Tag Archives: guerrilla art

He Was at FlightPath Coffee This Morning

I rarely go out painting at early breakfast hours, because there just aren’t a lot of early birds in the summer for me to paint. This morning, I just felt like going out early. It seemed like a good day for FlightPath. When I arrived, there was only one other customer in the back half […]

She Was Reading Vonnegut at Epoch

The Difference Between Painting and Drawing

People ask me if I sketch in with pencil or charcoal before I begin.   No, I don’t.  So much of painting requires restatement in the process, why start out fumbling from the beginning?  I try to say what I mean from the very beginning. Think about the process of painting as opposed to drawing.  Rendering […]

A Second Smattering on Painting Technique

The Beginning I was painting at Halcyon Coffee here in Austin on Monday.  The barristra was very interested, and asked me if I did an underpainting.  This made me stop and think about the actual process of the oil sketch.  I said, “well, no, not really”. I fumbled around for an explanation since I am […]

I Painted Her on a Beautiful Spring Day at Epoch Coffee

I painted her last spring at Epoch, and never posted it, for two reasons.  Technically, it’s not my best, and secondly, this painting makes me sad.  She is schizophrenic.  But, if I am going to be an honest documenter of Austin, she needs to be portrayed.  Anyone who has worked for Mobile Loaves and Fishes, […]