Tag Archives: quick sketch

I Sketched Patty Sylvana live at Link Coworking

Patty always like to sit in the back section at work, facing the windows.  She is so happy in her spot, as I hope that you can see.  She always says: “Don’t you just love to sit and look out this window?” It is truly a fantastic view out the floor-to ceiling windows, with the […]

Don’t Make Your Girlfriend Angry

 His girlfriend came in earlier, ordered a coffee, and put her head in her hands. She looked fit, pretty, and had a hangover. Her head was almost on the table. He comes in, joins her at the table. She doesn’t even look up. He keeps trying to get her attention, but she is not going […]

The Difference Between Painting and Drawing

People ask me if I sketch in with pencil or charcoal before I begin.   No, I don’t.  So much of painting requires restatement in the process, why start out fumbling from the beginning?  I try to say what I mean from the very beginning. Think about the process of painting as opposed to drawing.  Rendering […]

The Art Journal

Before I leave the location where I have painted that day, I take notes in my art journal. I record why I chose to paint a particular subject, the mood that I wanted to convey, and any details that I may have picked up while painting.  Sometimes, I overhear conversations and add those to the […]