Tag Archives: portrait sketch

I Sketched Patty Sylvana live at Link Coworking

Patty always like to sit in the back section at work, facing the windows.  She is so happy in her spot, as I hope that you can see.  She always says: “Don’t you just love to sit and look out this window?” It is truly a fantastic view out the floor-to ceiling windows, with the […]

Early Riser at FlightPath Coffee

I arrived early at FlightPath. This man came in a few minutes afterwards. I was trying to be really discreet, and not get caught painting him, but I’m fairly certain that he knew. It’s always best to have a buffer zone of other customers to offer distractions. Since I have taken yellow off my palette […]

The Difference Between Painting and Drawing

People ask me if I sketch in with pencil or charcoal before I begin.   No, I don’t.  So much of painting requires restatement in the process, why start out fumbling from the beginning?  I try to say what I mean from the very beginning. Think about the process of painting as opposed to drawing.  Rendering […]

A Second Smattering on Painting Technique

The Beginning I was painting at Halcyon Coffee here in Austin on Monday.  The barristra was very interested, and asked me if I did an underpainting.  This made me stop and think about the actual process of the oil sketch.  I said, “well, no, not really”. I fumbled around for an explanation since I am […]

I Painted Sherry at the Spider House

I was painting at the Spider House as dusk was slipping out in under the threshold.  My first painting of her was so awful.  I made her move over to the table opposite of me and have her cards read by “Julian”.  His game might have been a  bit off, because I rattled him by […]

I Painted Another Barristra at Pacha Coffee

The Sensual Line of the Rapid Oil Sketch

This is an example of the  very rapid, warp 10/volume 11 sketch.  As people are waiting for their drink orders at the counter, I try and paint them.  I have anywhere from one to three minutes to capture the gesture.  It is a tricky business.  One cannot falter, and precision and rhythm of line is […]

I Painted this Pretty Girl at Cafe Medici

I Painted this Portrait Sketch at Halcyon Coffee

She wore heavy-rimmed black reading glasses that she would take on and off as she worked.  I decided to paint her without the glasses.  As you know, I usually try and paint my subjects without them knowing it.  It’s a tricky business, because people move around a lot!

I Painted This Portrait Vignette at Epoch Coffee

Surf’s Up and so is the collar!  He was at Epoch Coffee just long enough for me to paint a quick 6×9 portrait vignette.  When I do these quick vignettes, I always try and tone the canvas a bit to keep the painting from looking too flat.